Multi-scale analysis of nutrient and environmental dynamics in Hongfeng Lake Southwest China Scientific Reports

multi-scale analysis

Some of these techniques aim to homogenize the properties of the local scale; others attempt to capture nonlinear behavior via curve fitting and progressive damage approaches. Many of the most famous techniques, such as those evaluated in the World Wide Failure Exercises, are related to the analysis of unidirectional composites. The key is that the user must be very aware of the assumptions and bounds of their model when employing one of these techniques. Modelingadvanced materials accurately is extremely complex because of the high numberof variables at play.

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  • TN and NH+4-N showed similar patterns, declining overall with little discernible seasonal variation (Fig. 2g–j).
  • Notably, the longitudinal Young’s Modulus, Ez, is seemingly unaffected by the change from liquid to gas.
  • Orthoslices from scans of the same approximate area of cortical bone of a Rhamphorhynchus sp.
  • This would be a ~ 3% reduction in stiffness coupled with a ~ 16% reduction in density to the structure.
  • In response to the multi-time scale and multi-frequency characteristics exhibited by nutrient and environmental factor time series, the analysis methods have evolved from the time domain to the time-frequency domain9.

This means that although these two sequences may have a positive correlation at one time scale, they may have a negative correlation at another time scale49. It should also be emphasized that cross-correlation analysis considers the entire time range. In this study, we have produced the most extensive dataset to date combining chromatin conformation, Software engineering chromatin accessibility, and gene expression data from primary T cells isolated from PsA patients and healthy individuals. Our data allowed us to clearly distinguish T-cell samples into the different populations. However, we found that chromatin conformation variations between patients and controls were subtle and hard to detect, in line with previous attempts in the field 56.

Sample size calculation

Solving each scale individually and linking their results is much faster than trying to solve a single high-resolution model containing all relevant details. While heterogeneity offers huge advantages in performance (making airplanes, space shuttles and lightweight cars possible), it also introduces difficulties in the engineering design. Presently, there is not enough computational power to include all the important details within a single Finite Element (FE) model, as is customary in industry. This is because that would require a high-resolution model too complex to be feasibly solved. E, “Heterogeneous multiscale method for the modeling of complex fluids and micro-fluidics,” J.

  • This allowed for the reconstructed slices to be segmented, though the low contrast between the sediment and bone prevented a pure automatic segmentation method.
  • By adhering to a single framework, not tied to a specific discipline, groups of researchers ensure that their respective contributions may cooperate with those of others.
  • Least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) and logistic regression analyses were used to identify predictors of POD.
  • The elastic properties are denoted as longitudinal, radial, and azimuthal, as the properties of the entire cortical bone can be estimated as the same as this small element’s properties—assuming a cylinder with homogenous canal patterns angularly (Fig. 7d, e).

Materials and methods

multi-scale analysis

Normalized counts were simply treated as data matrix and standard scaled, after which a UMAP transformation 73 was applied to the matrix to obtain the 2 component representation of the data. Alternatively, a PCA transformation could also be applied obtaining similar results. We used a fast python implementation 75 which allowed the computation of pairwise distances across all samples. Distances were calculated using a bin size of 50 kb, a smoothing factor h of 5, and a maximum genomic distance of 5mb.

According to our definitions, the sender of information is either Oi or Of. The relation between two submodels can be described through their respective positions on the SSM. Here, we consider only two axes, space and time, but in general the SSM can include any relevant dimensions. In the SSM, the scales of the two submodels either overlap or can be separated. When scale-overlap or scale-separation concerns two quantities, there are five possible relations in total, as illustrated in figure 3. The splitting of a problem into several submodels with a reduced range of scales is a difficult task which requires a good knowledge of the whole system.

  • However, we found that chromatin conformation variations between patients and controls were subtle and hard to detect, in line with previous attempts in the field 56.
  • We review a methodology to design, implement and execute multi-scale and multi-science numerical simulations.
  • Here, BF stand for the blood flow submodel, SMC for the biological growth of smooth muscle cells, DD for drug diffusion and IC for injury score (the initial condition).
  • While most of the structure is homogeneous, there are a few areas where the canals get very large (the red areas in (c, d)).
  • Such investigations rely on the availability of high-quality, durable, and large datasets.
  • Despite the challenges that come with studying and acquiring fossilised bone, their maximum wingspan is triple that of the largest living birds20.

The forest–savannah–fire example uses cellular automata to model grasslands that evolve into forests which are occasionally affected by forest fires 19. Grid points with small herbs are gradually converted to pioneering plants and finally into forest, with a time scale of years. A forest fire, on the other hand, may start and stop within a day or a few weeks at the most.

multifit: an R function for multi-scale analysis in landscape ecology

The linear regression analysis produced favorable results overall, although the regression between EPC and NPC’s IMF2 was relatively poor. Therefore, a simple linear regression can be used to establish the relationship between them. However, further analysis is needed to understand the periodic variation patterns between them. For the nutrients (TP, TN, NH+4-N, PO3-4-P), PCA indicated that one principal component (with an eigenvalue greater than 1) could be extracted, denoted as PC1nutrients. Their aim is to find the appropriate spatial scale for a particular landscape attribute in order to perform a correct interpretation of results and conclusions.

multi-scale analysis

The datasets used and analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request. As an illustration, let’s consider health records of two patients, patient i having a record of diabetes (dm) at 55 and a record of hypertension (hyp) at 53, and patient j having a record of diabetes at 52 and a record of hypertension at 59. As the X-ray CT datasets presented are large, the data will be stored by the University of Manchester’s Research Data Management (RDM) service, which satisfies the UK Research Council’s RDM guidelines. Furthermore, full accessibility will be granted upon request (via email) to the corresponding author. GAIA has been split into train (70%), test (20%), and validation (10%) sets, which are spatio-temporally stratified. The dataset splits are provided in JSON files compatible with the img2dataset tool.

multi-scale analysis

Our results, however, indicate that our sample size is not sufficiently large to detect all QTLs, highlighting the ongoing need for larger-scale studies in this domain. The study emphasizes the need to consider the probability of similar reversals between two sequences at different time scales. It also highlights the importance of identifying periods and periodic time scales where anomalous negative or positive correlations exist. This information can be obtained using running correlation analysis with a sliding window, allowing for a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between nutrients and environmental factors. The HHT model can effectively be used for the quantitative assessment of the relationship between environmental factors and nutrients using time series data. However, these models are only based on the interaction between environmental factors and nutrients, without considering changes in population, land use, and environmental management, which could significantly impact water quality28.

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